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Wealthy Mindset

Grow Your

Let me help you build your path to financial freedom.

The 12 Financial Mistakes
that keep Physicians from Building Wealth

Does this sound like you?

You went to college, medical school, residency, and maybe even fellowship.

You spent at least a decade of your life training to be a physician.

And then you finally finished training and became an attending physician.


At first, everything seemed great but soon you begin to think,

"Is this it?"


Do you feel trapped or stuck in medicine?


Do you feel like a hamster in a hamster wheel when seeing patients?


Do you constantly count down to your next vacation so that you can escape everyday life?


Do you feel like you are wearing golden handcuffs because you need your physician income?


Do you wish you had a financial plan that would allow you to cut back on work or even make working optional?

I can help YOU!


About Me

Hello and Welcome!

I am Elisa Chiang, pronounced "Jiang" and I am a Life Coach with training from The Life Coach School. I am also certified through the Ethical Coaching Collective in Integrative Change Work. 

I've always had big dreams and large goals. I climbed to the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro in a snow storm. I've run marathons. I've traveled to over 50 countries across 7 continents.

I'm a board-certified Ophthalmologist and fellowship trained Oculoplastic surgeon. I thought when I finished training, life would be at its best. What I didn't expect was to be feeling burnout after less than five years of practice. Then came the COVID-19 Pandemic, which turned out to have some hidden gifts. 

Grow Your Vision

​Do you want to take back control of your life?


Do you want to learn how to enjoy the journey and focus less on the destination?


Do you want to build a path toward financial independence so working in medicine is a hobby and not because you need a paycheck? 


I take you through a 4 step framework I call GROW:


G = Goals, we will work together to set your Goals


R = Reality, we will look at the Reality of your current situation


O = Options, we will discuss what Options there are to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be


= Will, we'll make the plan of what Will you do to achieve your goals

Want to start doing the work?
Check out the Financial Independence Workbook!

FI Workbook Cover2.jpg

Increase Your Financial Literacy

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